We believe that any software you use in your financial research process should actively improve that process, making you more productive, and provide your customers with a better service.  Most firms already use some form of technology, such as Microsoft Office, websites and email, but the increasing demands from competition, customers and regulators mean that firms can very rarely be competitive with these tools alone. 

A Research Production Platform needs to meet the needs of your research business, both today and in the future.  That means satisfying the needs of regulators, the key users, customers and your business strategy. Unfortunately, many demands will conflict with each other.  For example, how do you deliver interactive, dynamic, mobile content whilst meeting the needs of regulators, with no impact on production time and minimum cost?

To satisfy these demands, we believe that a Research Production Platform should provide the following attributes:

Key Features of a RPP

  • A system that is easily configured to mirror your business as it changes and grows.
  • A relational database around which all functions are built.  This provides a central data and content store, with robust backup and disaster recovery functionality.
  • Interfaces that work across multiple devices and support mobile working.
  • Integration with Microsoft Office to retain editing tools that Analysts are familiar with today.
  • Robust audit trails and document retention to support regulatory requirements.
  • User security and content restrictions.
  • Ability to dynamically convert content into a variety of formats, such as PDF, HTML and custom file formats for downstream consumption.
  • A range of administration tools to allow you to maintain and expand the system without the need for expensive development or consulting.



Blue Curve Modules satisfy specific demands in the production process, and are all integrated with a relational database to provide a central corporate datastore.

Common Platform : a central store of all commonly used data such as Users, Coverage Universe, Publications and Distribution Channels.

Insight : a central store of financial data on the coverage universe.  Covers historical and forecast data. Data input from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and direct data feeds.  Automatic calculations and Aggregations performed in the database. Data extraction to Microsoft Excel, Documents and Web pages. Also provides data workflow and audit trailing.

Create : a document creation and editing module that integrates with Microsoft Word and Powerpoint.  Templating methodology that uses dynamic template building and Components. Direct data integration with Insight.  Full use of Microsoft Office functions. Productivity Tools for layout, charts and tables.  Integration with Process for automated production. 

Process : a workflow management module with PC, Web and mobile interfaces.  User security and access control. Automated production features. Audit trailing and version management.  Automated document updating, covering data and disclosures.  Automated document conversion using Components, to unlimited formats typically including HTML, PDF and custom formats.  

Comply : a compliance and disclosure module.  Stores data on the relationship between your firm, analysts and the coverage universe.  Creates custom disclosures for each document based on business rules you control.  Audit trail of changes to disclosure content.

Reach : a distribution module that controls the release of published content.  Covers email, third-party distributors, web portals and custom downstream connections.  Generates custom email lists for each document based on customer profiles. Manages all downstream distribution. Records audit trails and distribution status.

Web Portal : a customisable web portal that provides access to documents, financial data, analyst information and other media.  Customer security and access control.  Standalone or integrate with your existing website.

Analytics : an analytics module that records key data from each key module in Blue Curve. Provides a web interface for reporting and interrogation. Covers customer readership and usage, distribution activity and production activity.

Does your research system do all that?